SRN Awarded for Being Active in the Investor Community

Yay our Professional Services Spotlight Award from GaREIA (Georgia Real Estate Investors Association, Inc) arrived today; Congratulations Chris Littleton! This award is presented for outstanding commitment & dedication to providing time, education and information to GaREIA members. 

Not only has Chris represented Solutions Realty Network well at this fine organization for several years, he is currently the acting GaREIA President since January 2012!

GaREIA has been active in the Atlanta real estate community for 32 years. They focus on the real estate community, education, professional services, and philanthropy. Members have various backgrounds but all share the common interest of real estate investing & are held to GaREIA's code ethics. GaREIA provides a forum where investors can come together, share ideas, and learn from each other.  The organization hosts real estate classes, “Lunch & Learn” and “Wine & Dine” events, “Meet & Greet” events, makes time for mentoring opportunities and creates opportunities for investor tours around Atlanta to give them hands-on experience and knowledge of what to look for when buying investment properties.

For additional information on Solutions Realty Network’s investor program click here.

 To learn more about GaREIA and its offerings click here.
